The 4th Library Technology Conclave on 23rd to 25th January 2019

E-Books to E-Learning: Libraries as Learning Hubs – LTC2019
Informatics India Ltd., Bangalore and Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT), are pleased to announce LTC2019, an annual event, 4th in the series. Informatics is organising this year’s Conclave in partnership with CUSAT, the host-partners of the event.
LTC is different and distinct in its content and format. Its focus is on current and emerging technologies and their implementation and impact studies in libraries and their parent organisations. The vision of LTC is to enable libraries to re-imagine and re-position the libraries in the digital space as an integral part of the learning and research eco-system of the institutions and the society.
E-Learning is the theme of LTC2019 expressed in the Conclave title: From e-Books to e-Learning: Libraries as Learning Hubs. This theme is very unique and challenging to libraries in broadening their service horizon. It opens up new opportunities for libraries to collaborate with faculty to integrate library’s content access and delivery system with e-Learning platform. With decades of knowledge and experience in managing e-resources, libraries can play a pro-active role in the area of content management in the e-Learning space. Libraries around the world have started engaging with faculties in their institutions in a collaborative model to provide support to in e-learning domains. E-learning programs are being used extensively in information literacy programs of libraries. Best practices are already emerging. (e-Learning in Libraries: Best Practices. Edited by Charles Harmon & Michael Messina. 2013).
LTC2019 programs are designed to be engaging for the delegates and speakers. Please visit LTC2019 website ( and keep watching the unfolding of the Conclave program details. In addition to Keynotes and Roundtables by global and local experts, here are a few special highlights of the Conclave.
Pre-Conclave Workshop on –
- E-Learning Basics
- Koha + CORAL (e-resource management software)
Two Prestigious Award Programs:
- LibTech Award for the best technology enabled library of the year. Delegates are invited to showcase the technologies implemented in their libraries and their effective usage and impact through a presentation in an exclusive session on Technology Innovations in Libraries. Visit the Conclave website for filing your nominations. Write your experience with technology implementation and management as a paper in Best Practices, which will be published in the Conclave volume on Best Practices in Libraries Technologies.
- Best Koha implementation Award. All libraries who have implemented Koha in their libraries, either on their own or supported by a vendor, and have new innovations to talk about, are invited to showcase their implementation challenges and innovative capabilities. File your nomination and also write your experience as paper in Best Practice for publication in the Conclave volume.
SPARK: An Exclusive session for Delegates
Ideas keep triggering as you keep listening to expert speakers in the Conclave. Delegates are encouraged to jot down such new ideas; think about innovative possibilities around those ideas and register during the conclave sessions to speak at the SPARK session for five minutes scheduled before the last session of the Conclave. Two delegates presenting the best ideas will be handsomely awarded.
Please register and keep visiting the LTC2019 site frequently for regular update. Join LTC2019 to make it the most engaging and innovative Conclave in LIS discipline.